Quote of the week: 

“Be nice to the environment. Be nice to animals. Be nice to people. If you do that, you will leave a mark on the world.” ― Enock Maregesi

Fluffy Family Featured Story: 

🎄✨ A furry friend by the Christmas tree makes every moment magical. Meowy Christmas and wishing you whiskers and joy! 🎄✨

P.S. Want to see your animal in the newsletter? Let us know here.

From the ESA Doctors Blog:

Emotional Support Animals in College Dorms

College can be a difficult time for many young adults. Adjusting to a new social environment, meeting the expectations of professors, and keeping up a grade-point average can take its toll on students. For many students, college may also be the first time away from their home support network of family and friends. In addition to losing friends and family, some students have to leave behind a lovable, furry companion they’ve had for years.

The mental health of students on college campuses is a serious issue – according to some sources, suicides are the second most common cause of death among college students, and the suicide rate has tripled among young adults since the 1950s. In an effort to improve their mental and emotional health, some students have turned to emotional support animals (ESAs). In recent years, seeing an animal on campus has generally become more commonplace. In addition to the rise in emotional support animals accompanying students in dorms, many schools are using therapy animals to help calm anxious students during stressful periods like exam week.

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