Quote of the week: 

“A cat’s purr and a puppy’s wet nose are just two of the things that make my day enjoyable.” ― Anthony T.Hincks

Fluffy Family Featured Story: 

Although we missed the actual National Pet Day, but we think we should just celebrate National Pet Day everyday! Don’t you agree 😸?



P.S. Want to see your animal in the newsletter? Let us know here.

From the ESA Doctors Blog:

Texas Emotional Support Animal Housing Laws

Emotional support animals (ESA) can provide significant mental and emotional benefits to individuals with certain mental illnesses, including anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

In Texas, individuals with disabilities have the right to live with their emotional support animals in most types of housing, thanks to federal law. In this article, we will explain what rights ESA owners have in the Lone Star State and how you can qualify for an emotional support animal.

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